
Showing posts from July, 2008

Practising Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga is a philosophy of the life, which has also the eventual to create a healthy body and vibrantly spirit. The yoga of Ashtanga vinyasa is a method of the yoga which has it's origins in a known ancient document under the name of korunta yoga. Ashtanga refer specifically to eight the practical spiritual ones described by wise Patanjali in Sutra yoga. It is advisable to note that the experts of the majority of the modern externats of yoga of hatha, including pattabi jois, draw from yoga sutras de patanjali and thus practise the yoga of ashtanga. Means of yoga of Ashtanga exactly "eight-limbed yoga," as described by wise patanjali in sutras yoga. The yoga of Ashtanga aims at purifying the body by the eight members or stages of yoga. It starts outside with yama which is the order and niyana which is the codes of conduct. They are manners that we trade and with what we can act one on the other with whole reality and ourselves at the same time. These stages cannot be practise...

Yoga - Weight Loss

Renowned for its capacity to reduce stress, enhance flexibility and improve muscle tone and strength, yoga is not so well known for its contributions to weight loss. Most people don't think of yoga as a way to burn off the calories, so it can be surprising to discover that it can be an effective way to boost your weight loss efforts. Conventional yoga isn't a vigorous type of exercise. While it conditions and tones your muscles, you're not likely to work up a sweat during a yoga session. However, the fact that your muscles are being given a workout means your body is utilizing calories more effectively. So, cardiovascular exercise will yield better results if you also practice yoga regularly. An important component of yoga is discipline of mind and body, which will help you stay committed to your exercise program and healthy eating habits. Yoga reinforces the link between your body and your mind, increasing your desire to look after your body. This is very helpful for peopl...

Yoga Sutra

The Classical Period is marked by another creation - the Yoga Sutra. Written by Patanjali around the second century, it was an attempt to define and standardize Classical Yoga. It is composed of 195 aphorisms or sutras (from the Sanskrit word which means thread) that expound upon the Raja Yoga and its underlying principle, Patanjali's Eightfold path of Yoga (also called Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga). These are: Yama, which means social restraints or ethical values; Niyama, which is personal observance of purity, tolerance, and study; Asanas or physical exercises; Pranayama, which means breath control or regulation; Pratyahara or sense withdrawal in preparation for Meditation; Dharana, which is about concentration; Dhyana, which means Meditation; and Samadhi, which means ecstasy. Patanjali believed that each individual is a composite of matter (prakriti) and spirit (pur usha). He further believed that the two must be separated in order to cleanse t...

History of Yoga

Today, many people are taking up yoga techniques for physical exercise, and most don’t know the history of yoga. They believe there is nothing wrong with implementing this form of exercise into their daily regiment to promote a more healthy body. However, the practice of yoga is much more than a system of physical exercise for health. Yoga is an ancient path to spiritual growth, and originates out of India where Induism is practiced. The practice and goal of yoga dates back to the Upanishads, written between 1000-5000 BC. History of Yoga – Is it spiritual? The history of yoga is based in the Indus Valley civilization. The techniques are practiced by the Indus to initiate spiritual growth. The yogis encourage union with the finite jiva (transitory self) and with the infinite Brahman (eternal self). Brahman is a term used by the Hindus to mean “God.” So, what are we supposed to unite with? Yogis usually think of God as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coexisting with all of reality....

Yoga Positions

Dhanurasana Ado Mukha Shavasana Bhujangasana Dhanurasana Paschimottanasana Uttanasana

Indian Yoga Gurus

India is a land where Yoga is practiced from ancient time. In old days sages and saints taught the methodology of yoga. In modern life many gurus and yoga teacher has help in the resurgence of ancient Yoga Practice for the well being of human society. The Yoga gurus not only worked in the mainland of India but also worked abroad to introduce the glory of Yoga practice to the people of West. The most renowned Yoga Gurus of India are : B.K.S. Iyenger : B.K.S. Iyenger came from a poor family in South India and learnt Yoga from T. Krishnamacharya. He started his life with a great struggle but gradually became one of the most famous Yoga Gurus In India. He was the author of many books and founded `Ramamani Iyenger Memorial Yoga Institute to pay tribute to his late wife. Bikram Choudhury: He is probably the most popular name among the Yoga Gurus in the western world. His method of teaching is known as Bikram Yoga, which is the combination of Hatha Yoga. The Bikram Yoga is taught in mo...

Yoga Mother Mrs. Daya Vyas

Mrs. Daya Vyas started to learn 'Yoga' since the age of seven from the original saints, including SIVANANDA SWAMI. She has been practicing and spreading this original unadulterated, pure Yoga throughout the world. YOGA-MOTHER (Mrs. Daya Vyas) a professor of Economics Master of Gandhian Economics in an eminent University, for whom 'Yoga' was a passion, was a very passionate Yoga Guru whose only desire was to spread true, pure Yoga throughout the world. She was a follower of Gandhi and had met the legendary master at the age of 13 at his Wardha Ashram. Since meeting him, she wore 'Khadi' a Gandhian cloth (hand spun) and propagated the Gandhian philosophy of Sarvodaya (rise of all) throughout her life . She rigorously trained her son, Atul , and daughter, Dr. Shubha Vyas , in the discipline of original 'Yoga' as well as a number of celebrities and many people from all across the globe. The Vyas yoga family believes in treating everyone as equal...

Yoga Positions

It would be impossible to delineate all recognized postures and their variations. Here are some common Yoga postures, or asanas. Sukkasana (Half Lotus) Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Shirshasana (Head Stand) Halasana (Plow) Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga, is a style of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury and a Los Angeles, California based company. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90-minutes. Beginners may take Bikram yoga classes.