Yoga Mother Mrs. Daya Vyas

Mrs. Daya Vyas started to learn 'Yoga' since the age of seven from the original saints, including SIVANANDA SWAMI. She has been practicing and spreading this original unadulterated, pure Yoga throughout the world. YOGA-MOTHER (Mrs. Daya Vyas) a professor of Economics Master of Gandhian Economics in an eminent University, for whom 'Yoga' was a passion, was a very passionate Yoga Guru whose only desire was to spread true, pure Yoga throughout the world. She was a follower of Gandhi and had met the legendary master at the age of 13 at his Wardha Ashram. Since meeting him, she wore 'Khadi' a Gandhian cloth (hand spun) and propagated the Gandhian philosophy of Sarvodaya (rise of all) throughout her life.

She rigorously trained her son, Atul, and daughter, Dr. Shubha Vyas, in the discipline of original 'Yoga' as well as a number of celebrities and many people from all across the globe. The Vyas yoga family believes in treating everyone as equals and never differentiated on basis of fame, name, status, money, caste creed or nationality.

This type of Yoga has a special significance as the teachers have grown up in a pure Yogic tradition. Come to Jaipur and enjoy the honor of learning yoga from this great family and feel the power of real original pure Yoga . There is a form of Yoga for all needs e.g. body, fitness, beauty, health, for treatment of diseases, stress, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. You can also stay with the family and enjoy the unique Yogic Indian Hospitality full of love and spirituality in Jaipur. According to the Vyas family, Yoga is not an exercise; it way of evolving one self, the real purpose of human life.


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