The Primary Series : Sitting Postures
XIV PA SCHIMOTTANASANA A-C • INTENSE WEST STRETCH OR SITTING FORWARD BEND Paschima=west Uttana=intense stretch A 1. Inhale, arms up, look up to thumbs. 2. Exhale, bend forward, hold onto big toes with middle and index fingers. 3. Inhale, head up, straighten spine, lift chest and look toward 3rd eye. 4. Exhale, bend forward, pulling elbows out to sides to help bring chest to thighs, then nose to knees. (In A, B, and C pull shoulder blades back down the spine as the arms stretch forward to create oppositional pull.) Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths. Modified posture: hands to ankles or shins, look up, spine straight. B 1. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows, lengthen spine, this time hold around sides of feet. 2. Exhale, bend forward, go a little deeper into the posture and bring chin to knees, elbows should be above the ground out to the side, not touching the floor, feet flexed. Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths.. C 1. Inhale, head up, ...