The Primary Series : Standing Asanas



Prasarita=spread out Pada=foot Uttana=intense stretch

A 1. Inhale, jump to the right, feet approximately 4 ½ ft apart, legs out to

side, feet parallel, hands on hip joint. Look up and back open chest, tuck


2. Exhale, fold forward, lengthening as you bend at waist, place both hands on floor between feet shoulder width apart. Pull the scapula up the back and away from the shoulders, elbows out to sides.

3. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows, spine straight.

4. Exhale, crown of head towards the floor.

Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths.

5. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows.

6. Exhale, hands to hip joint.

7. Inhale, come up, spine straight.

8. Exhale.

Modified posture: bend knees.

B 1. Inhale, arms out to the sides.

2. Exhale, hands on hip joint, fingers pushing into abdominal cavity to emphasize uddiyana bandha, pull the elbows together and lift from the hips, top of head moving towards floor, shoulders away from ears.

Drishti: nose.

Hold for 5-8 breaths.

3. Inhale, look up to 3rd eye, come all the way up, lengthening from base of spine.

4. Exhale.

Modified posture: bend knees.


1. Inhale, arms out to sides.

2. Exhale, interlace fingers behind back, palms facing each other.

3. Inhale, look up, open chest pulling arms and shoulders back.

4. Exhale, bend forward, arms over head bringing hands toward floor.

Drishti: nose.

Hold for 5-8 breaths.

5. Inhale, come up looking to forehead.

6. Exhale.

Modified posture: hold elbows behind back, look directly ahead, spine straight

instead of coming all the way down. Bend knees if necessary.


1. Inhale, hands on hips, lift chest, pelvis forward.

2. Exhale, bend forward, hands to big toes pressing roots of big toes down

while pulling up with fingers (hold toes with index and middle fingers, and


3. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows, straighten spine.

4. Exhale, bend forward, top of head towards floor. Elbows bent, shoulders

away from ears, arms pulling out to side to bring body closer toward legs,

keeping chest open, shoulder blades moving down the back.

Drishti: nose.

Hold for 5-8 breaths.

5. Inhale, head up.

6. Exhale, hands to hips.

7. Inhale, come all the way up, straight spine.

8. Exhale, top of the mat, to Samasthiti.

Modified posture: hold back of legs with hands, keep back straight (dont go

all the way down).


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