
Showing posts from November, 2008

VIII Parsvottanasana - Intense Side Stretch Posture

Parsva=side Uttana=intense stretch 1. Inhale, jump feet out 3 ft apart, right foot parallel to edge of mat (90 degrees) left heel turned in (left foot at a 45-60 degree angle). 2. Exhale, hands in prayer behind back, turn hips to right, lift kneecaps. 3. Inhale, look up, open chest. 4. Exhale, press palms together not clasping thumbs or fingers, stretch out and then down, bend from the hips forward over right leg, bring chin toward shin. Pull right hip back so hips are parallel, lift elbows. Drishti: 2nd toe of extended foot. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 5. Inhale, come up. 6. Exhale, turn hips to left, reverse feet. 7. Inhale, open chest, look up and back. 8. Exhale, bend forward over left leg. Hold 5-8 breaths. 9. Inhale, come up. 10. Exhale, hop to Samasthiti. Modified posture: hold elbows behind back instead of hands in prayer, stay at half way down position with head up, spine straight.

The Primary Series : Standing Asanas

VII PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA A-D • INTENSE WIDE LEG STRETCH Prasarita=spread out Pada=foot Uttana=intense stretch A 1. Inhale, jump to the right, feet approximately 4 ½ ft apart, legs out to side, feet parallel, hands on hip joint. Look up and back open chest, tuck pelvis. 2. Exhale, fold forward, lengthening as you bend at waist, place both hands on floor between feet shoulder width apart. Pull the scapula up the back and away from the shoulders, elbows out to sides. 3. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows, spine straight. 4. Exhale, crown of head towards the floor. Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 5. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows. 6. Exhale, hands to hip joint. 7. Inhale, come up, spine straight. 8. Exhale. Modified posture: bend knees. B 1. Inhale, arms out to the sides. 2. Exhale, hands on h ip joint, fingers pushing into abdominal cavity to emphasize uddiyana bandha, pull the elbows together and lift from the hips, top of h...

Yoga Emotional and Physical Benefits

Not only does the practice of yoga have wonderful physical benefits, there are also more subtle benefits regarding the emotional and spiritual dimensions. Yoga-based relaxation techniques and stretching are effective because the mind is focused in a meditative way on the movements, skin / muscle sensations and relaxed breathing. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. Furthermore, a relaxed body contributes to relaxing the mind and emotions. This combination results in complete, dynamic health. Yoga provides powerful skills for stress-management - coping with the stresses or ups and downs of daily life. Accumulated emotional stress can manifest as character armor in the body, which may lead to maladaptive psychological tendencies including anxiety, depression and addictions. In Yoga this armor is called "kleshas". The postures bend, stretch and twist these "kleshas" out of the system, thus releasing emotional blockages. As the body becomes more flexible s...

How Can Yoga Change Your Life?

Yoga is one of the best natural "risk-free" solutions against stress. It can be practiced by anyone, anywhere in the world. Many people do yoga on a daily basis, to keep fit and avoid any trouble can be caused by depression or anxiety. They don't just practice yoga for its healthy benefits, but they consider it as the effective way to concentrate, and focus to achieve their goals. Yoga opens the doors for a new, exotic universe, in front of its serious yogi and yogini. These later refers to the man and woman who practice yoga for their well-being. They live in peace of mind, and feel the beauty inside and around them. They are proud of their achievement! Let's talk about the major mental and physical benefits of yoga. In addition to its stress relieve effect, yoga has many other wonderful benefits: When you start your yoga exercise, you clean your mind from any destruction. You gain self-confidence, and the power of mental visualization. You beat all your fears and f...

Easy ways to practice yoga at home.

Yoga is a spiritual practice which assists people in unifying mind, body and heart. Yoga consists of many Asanas and different yoga postures. For practicing yoga you are not necessarily required to join some sort of yoga classes, instead, you can easily practice yoga at home. Many times on account of many reasons such as lack of time, living far from yoga studios or unable to afford join yoga classes’ people prefer to practice yoga at home rather than going anywhere else. Sometimes people want to do yoga in odd hours, like late night for peace of mind and at such time home is the best place to practise it. But to do that you should know how and what to do. There is below mentioned some points which you should keep in mind when you are going to do yoga at home – • Make a specific place for meditation. It may be either a room with door or even you can part one room into two sections with the help of furniture or a screen. • Arrange for tools required for doing yoga at home like yoga mat...