Surya Namaskara


Surya namaskara B

Begin in Samasthiti, equal standing

1. Inhale, bend knees, lift arms, palms together over head, gaze at thumbs.

2. Exhale, straighten legs to a forward bend, Uttanasana, gaze at nose.

3. Inhale, head up, lengthen spine, gaze at third eye.

4. Exhale, jump back to Chaturanga Dandasana.

5. Inhale, lift chest, head back to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, upward facing dog, gaze at sky.

6. Exhale, lift hips to downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, gaze toward navel.

7. Inhale, right foot forward, left heel turned inward. Virabhadrasana, lift arms, palms together. Right knee bent, left leg straight with back foot pressed into floor. Gaze at thumbs.

8. Exhale, back to Chaturanga Dandasana.

9. Inhale, upward facing dog, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

10. Exhale back to downward dog.

11. Inhale, left foot forward, right foot turned in at an angle, Virabhadrasana; lift arms above head, gaze to thumbs, left knee bent.

12. Exhale back to Chaturanga.

13. Inhale, upward dog.

14. Exhale, downward dog, hold for 5 breaths, gaze toward navel.

15. Jump feet up between hands, inhale head up, gaze between eyebrows.

16. Exhale, bend forward crown of head towards floor, look to nose, Uttanasana.

17. Inhale, knees bent as you come up to Utkatasana.

18. Exhale, straighten legs, arms to side, Samasthiti.


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