The Primary Series : Standing Asanas 3 & 4


Utthita=extended Tri=three Kona=angle

1. Inhale, jump to right, right foot parallel to edge of mat, left heel turned inward, heels 3 ft apart.

2. Exhale, reach out over foot and bend to right, hold big toe of right foot with first two fingers of right hand and pull up on it, creating counter tension and oppositional stretch. Turn head to look up toward left thumb, opening chest toward ceiling. Feel the rotation of the hips as the right hip moves under and the left hip rotates open.

Drishti: thumb of left hand.

Hold for 5-8 breaths.

3. Inhale, come up slowly.

4. Exhale to other side, repeat 1-3.

5. Inhale, come up, keeping arms out to sides.

Modified posture: right hand to ankle or shin or up as high as necessary to prevent straining back. If neck is strained, look to toes and then back up to thumb.


Parivrtta=revolved Tri=three Kona=angle

1. Exhale, revolve around pulling left hip back, bringing left hand to the floor on the outside of the right foot, right arm up, keep shoulders moving down, away from ears. Push on floor with bottom hand while pulling up with the top hand to create counter tension. Lengthen both sides and pull lower ribs toward front. It helps to step the back foot up a bit.

Drishti: thumb of right hand.

Hold for 5-8 breaths.

On last exhale turn head to look down to hand on floor.

2. Inhale, come up.

3. Exhale, revolve around to the other side, repeat 1-2.

Modified posture: bring both hands to the right shin, look up, spine straight.

4. Exhale to Samasthiti.


tiajones said…
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