The invocation

Acknowledge The Creator

You say a prayer. Connecting with the world of sound, you focus your attention inward.

Om… (All; the universal vibration)

I bow to the lotus (symbol of unfolding enlightenment) feet of the teachers

Who awaken in me the pure happiness of universal being.

I take refuge in the jungle physician,

Who dispels the delusions of conditioned existence to reveal peace.

I prostate my ego self before the wisdom of Patanjali

Who is depicted as crowned by a thousand white radiant serpents

(the symbol of kundalini, universal energy)

And as holding in his hands a conch shell

(the symbol of divine sound, AUM, and the planet’s breath in the ocean waves)

As holding a discus of light

(the symbol of infinite time, and the one sun which shines

on all with equanimity)

And as holding the sword of discrimination between illusions

(of the selective attention of ego conditioned particularities) and universal truth.



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