
Showing posts from September, 2008

Ashtanga Yoga : Jalandhara bandha

Jalandhara bandha Jalandhara bandha is the water pipe lock. It binds the network of subtle energy channels. Engaging Jalandhara bandha is useful for alleviating diseases of the throat. It also mproves the quantum of prana in the thoracic region. By pressing the chin to the chest, prana is captured, preventing it from escaping the upper body. Many major nerve fibers pass through the neck; when jalandhara bandha is performed it exerts pressure on them and the flow of nervous impulses to the brain is restricted. These impulses collect in the cervical plexus, and when the bandha is released they flood into the brain. The force of these impulses helps to activate higher centers in the brain, those that function with creativity and intellect. Practice Jalandhara bandha 1. Sit comfortably in siddhasana or padmasana (illustration p.13). Place the palms of the hands on the knees and allow the whole body to relax. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose and retain the breath. Lower the chin so...

Ashtanga Yoga: Capturing Prana II

Contemplating your navel The solar plexus is located just back of the pit of the stomach on either side of the spinal column. The name “solar” is well bestowed upon this major nerve plexus, as it radiates energy to all parts of the body. According to the yogic texts it is the great storehouse of prana, the manipura chakra. Other Eastern cultures link it to the hara, dan tien, center of chi or ki. It’s the center of our being from the umbilical cord to adulthood. It‘s the place where you get that gut feeling, the intuitive sense. We’ve got to keep it healthy, tuned in and alive. Uddiyana Bandha • The Flying Bandha Practice Uddiyana bandha 1. Stand with feet about two feet apart. Bend the knees slightly and rest the hands above the knees, with the thumbs facing inwards and the fingers outwards. The spine must emain straight, not curved; the head should be kept up and eyes open. Inhale deeply through the nose, then exhale quickly through slightly pursed lips, bu...

Ashtanga Yoga: Capturing Prana

Capturing Prana The Serpent Power When kundalini shakti is awakened and arises from her sleep, she is the vehicle for the expansion of consciousness, enabling the individual to fully develop his innate potential and rise beyond the mundane realm of birth and death to the level of divinity. Chela Buddhananda. Raising Mula Bandha Mula bandha is the force or energy created by lifting the pelvic floor and controlling the breath. It is the root lock and calls the fire within that causes everything to come alive, to move. Mula bandha increases flexibility and stimulates heat. By contracting the perineum and drawing the energy up from the base of the spine, one can intensify and direct the life energy, cultivating a sense of heightened awareness and increasing vitality. Mula bandha ignites the flame of kundalini (cosmic energy), the serpent power. By bringing awareness to the core of the body, mula bandha helps prevent injury. It guides you to move from your center, g...

Ashtanga Yoga: The Breath of Life

Feeding The Fire In many languages the words for spirit and breath are the same. In Sanskrit it’s prana, in Latin, spiritus, and in Hebrew, ruach. In Portuguese the word for taking in breath is inspiration, or spirit-in. They believe that an infant literally breathes its spirit into its body with its first breath. We breathe in life. Breath is the source of life and vitality. It is the spirit moving in rhythm in the body. When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still. Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The Victorious Breath • Ujjayi Breathing Breath is the fuel that feeds the internal fire, gives it life, keeps the flame going. The vital life energy, prana, is controlled by the reath. In ashtanga yoga, ujjayi breathing (victorious breath) is used to enrich prana. By breathing through the nose, with the mouth closed, the breath is felt from the throat, roducing a hissing sound. This sound of the breath keeps the mind focused. As the mind begins to...

ashtanga yoga demo

Ashtanga Yoga Demo

Ashtanga yoga : Awakening the Fire Within

Vinyasa: Movement Breathing System Ashtanga yoga wakes up the internal fire. It ignites the dormant flame of vital life energy within all of us. The vinyasa system works with the synchronization of deep, rhythmic breathing and movement. By linking the postures it creates a continuous flow of energy that heats up the body, bringing oxygen to the blood, nourishing the glands and internal organs, cleansing and purifying the nervous system, releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration. As the heat goes up toxins are burned up and out of the system, creating a lighter and stronger body, and a clear mind. The heat is not only a physical experience, it is an internal spiritual fire that burns through the fog of illusion and ignorance. Access All Areas As the internal heat goes up, not only do the toxins begin to exit the system, but another amazing thing happens; the body begins to bend and move. As Pattabhi Jois says “even iron will bend with heat.” With this freedom of mo...