
The Primary Series : Sitting Postures

XIV PA SCHIMOTTANASANA A-C • INTENSE WEST STRETCH OR SITTING FORWARD BEND Paschima=west Uttana=intense stretch A 1. Inhale, arms up, look up to thumbs. 2. Exhale, bend forward, hold onto big toes with middle and index fingers. 3. Inhale, head up, straighten spine, lift chest and look toward 3rd eye. 4. Exhale, bend forward, pulling elbows out to sides to help bring chest to thighs, then nose to knees. (In A, B, and C pull shoulder blades back down the spine as the arms stretch forward to create oppositional pull.) Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths. Modified posture: hands to ankles or shins, look up, spine straight. B 1. Inhale, head up, look up between eyebrows, lengthen spine, this time hold around sides of feet. 2. Exhale, bend forward, go a little deeper into the posture and bring chin to knees, elbows should be above the ground out to the side, not touching the floor, feet flexed. Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths.. C 1. Inhale, head up, ...

The Primary Series : Sitting Postures

XIII DANDASANA • STAFF POSE Danda=staff, rod 1. Sit with legs extended out in front and hands on floor by hips with fingers facing the feet, sitting up with spine straight. Place chin to chest in jalandhara bandha, shoulders rolled open and scapula pulled down the back. Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths.

The Primary Series : Standing Asanas

XII VIRABHADRASANA A-B • WARRIOR Vira=hero A From downward dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana 1. Inhale, step right foot forward between hands, bend right knee to 90 degrees, square the hips, press back heel and outside of foot into floor, as you lift arms up over head, palms together, gaze upward and really emphasize mula bandha. Drishti: thumbs. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 2. Inhale, straighten right leg, come up and turn around to other side, bend left knee, arms up over head. Virabhdrasana A, left side 5-8 breaths. B 9. Inhale, keep the trunk straight, a feeling of being pulled from four directions, revolve hips open to right, arms out to sides looking over middle finger of left hand. Bend left knee, tuck pelvis, lift chest. Press back heel and outside of back foot into floor. Drishti: tip of middle finger. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 10. Inhale, come up, straighten legs, revolve around to other side, bend right knee over right ankle, Virabhadrasana B, right sid...

The Primary Series : Standing Asanas

XI Utkatasana – Fierce pose Utka=fierce or powerful 1. Inhale, hands up, look up to thumbs. 2. Exhale, forward bend, gaze nose. 3. Inhale, head up, gaze 3rd eye. 4. Exhale, bend knees, jump back to Chaturanga. 5. Inhale to upward dog, lift chest. 6. Exhale back to downward dog. 7. Inhale, head up, bend knees and jump to top of mat, feet together. Straighten or lift upper body to erect position with knees bent, palms together but not clasped, arms as straight as possible pointed to ceiling. Deepen posture with each breath. Drishti: thumbs Hold for 5-8 breaths. With last inhale deepen 1/2 way down towards floor. 8. Exhale, come up and bend forward in a swan dive, arms to sides. Look toward 3rd eye and then tip of nose. 9. Inhale, head up, look between eyebrows. 10. Exhale, bend knees and jump back to Chaturanga. 11. Inhale, upward dog. 12. Exhale, downward dog.

The Primary Series :: Standing Asanas

X ARDHA BADDHA PADMOTTANASANA • HALF BOUND LOTUS FORWARD BEND Ardha=half Baddha=bound Padma=lotus Uttana=intense stretch 1. Inhale, place the right heel as close to the navel as possible. 2. Exhale, reach around behind back with right hand and hold onto big toe of right foot. 3. Inhale, lift left arm up. 4. Exhale, bend forward, looking straight ahead, left hand on floor. Drishti: nose. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 5. Inha le, head up, look between eyebrows. 6. Ex hale, fold forward, crown of head towards floor. 7. Inhale, head up, look up. 8. Exhale, spine straight. 9. Inhale, come up. 10. Exhale , leg down to Samastithi. Repeat left side,1-10. Modified posture: hold foot up in half lotus with both hands, 5-8 breaths, don ’ t bend forward. Or bend forward with both hands to the floor, and knee bent .

The Primary Series :: Standing Asanas

IX UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTHASANA • HAND TO BIG TOE POSTURE Utthita=extended Hasta=hand Pada=foot Padangustha=big toe 1. Inhale, right leg up, hold big toe with first two fingers of right hand, left hand on hip, right leg straight. 2. Exhale, chin towards knee. Drishti: big toe. Hold for 5-8 breaths. Modified posture: hold knee into chest. 3. Inhale, look up, straighten body, keeping leg extended out. 4. Exhale, right leg out to right side, look to left. Drishti: far to side. Hold posture 5-8 breaths. 5. Inhale, leg back to center. 6. Exhale, take foot with both hands, pull leg toward chest (bending elbow), chin toward knee or shin. 7. Inhale, head up. 8. Exhale, hands to hips, hold leg extended straight out in front for 3 breaths. With last exhale bring leg down to Samastithi. Repeat other side. Modified posture: keep knee bent as you bring leg out to side and back in to chest.

The Primary Series :: Standing Asanas

VIII PARSVOTTANASANA • INTENSE SIDE STRETCH POSTURE Parsva=side Uttana=intense stretch 1. Inhale, jump feet out 3 ft apart, right foot parallel to edge of mat (90 degrees) left heel turned in (left foot at a 45-60 degree angle). 2. Exhale, hands in prayer behind back, turn hips to right, lift kneecaps. 3. Inhale, look up, open chest. 4. Exhale, press palms together not clasping thumbs or fingers, stretch out and then down, bend from the hips forward over right leg, bring chin toward shin. Pull right hip back so hips are parallel, lift elbows. Drishti : 2nd toe of extended foot. Hold for 5-8 breaths. 5. Inhale, come up. 6. Exhale , turn hips to left, reverse feet. 7. Inhale, open chest, look up and back. 8. Exhale, bend forward over left leg. Hold 5-8 breaths. 9. Inhale, come up. 10. Exhale, hop to Samasthiti. Modified posture: hold elbows behind back instead of hands in prayer, stay at half way down position with head up, spine straight.